Search Results for: capricorn meaning Articles

man kissing the forehead of a woman sitting on a couch

Everything You Need to Know About Love & Relationships With Capricorns

Each month, the Sun moves into a new sign, marking a new astrological season and bringing with it new themes, fresh energy, and a unique focus. These astrological seasons also influence our love lives, and as the Sun approaches the constellation of Capricorn, it’s time to explore this loyal sign

mercury in capricorn

Your Must-Read Mercury in Capricorn Horoscopes Are Here

Mercury – the planet of information, communication, and the mind – is our quick-moving planet that can sometimes cause a bit of disruption in our lives. (We’re looking at you, Mercury retrograde!) However, what we’re here to talk about today is a Mercury transit that can bring success and prosperity

capricorn season

Capricorn Season is Coming – Here’s EXACTLY What You Need to Know

Each month, we experience a new astrological season as the Sun moves into a different zodiac sign. As the Sun transits through each sign, the planet’s energy changes, ushering in new themes and information to discover. This time around, the Sun is moving into responsible, grounded Capricorn, helping us feel

four women leaning into each other with their eyes closed in nature

Pluto is Moving BACK Into Capricorn – Here’s EXACTLY What This Means

The planet of transformation, Pluto, is soon going back to Capricorn, a zodiac sign it’s toured for more than a decade. Pluto began to move into Aquarius starting last year and officially entered Aquarius to stay in November. But before then, it has one last tour of Capricorn first! Pluto goes back

man holding a flame up to a woman's face against a night sky with a full moon

Feeling Intense Energy? Blame the Full Moon in Capricorn

Each Full Moon of the year falls under a different sign in the zodiac. And while Full Moons typically bring similar energies – change, emotional turbulence, strange feelings – each Full Moon actually possesses different qualities that affect us in different ways. On June 21st, 2024, we’ll experience a Full

two woman sitting at a desk reviewing items on a laptop screen

Your Powerful Mars in Capricorn Career Horoscopes

If you haven’t yet felt the practically motivated energy typically associated with Capricorn season, don’t fret! You’re about to experience a transit that will help to ground and guide the fiery passion within, especially when it comes to your career and going after your goals. Mars – the passionate planet

a white new moon in the sky against a blue starry night

What Does the Moon in Capricorn Mean?

The Moon and her mysteriously palpable and influential energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull affects the ocean’s tides, the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions.  The Moon rules over our subconscious and unconscious minds, dreams, feelings,

Capricorn Man: Traits, Love, & More

Some people really are a study in duality.  You’d swear they were a certain way until you get to know them and realize that they’re actually the opposite. This is certainly the case with the Capricorn man.  This is a person whose hardened exterior can make him seem aloof, cold,

Capricorn Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs

Have you ever wondered: what is Capricorn’s compatibility with other zodiac signs? Take notes. It’s time to learn about loving a Capricorn. This Cardinal Earth sign brings a strong sense of self and endless logical growth into love, meaning if you fall in love with a Saturnian Capricorn, you must be ready to support

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